Saturday, January 28, 2012

Live Workout with Scooby Werkstatt-Complete!

Alright! Today Scooby, a popular Youtuber who gives fitness, bodybuilding, and nutritional advice, is having a live broadcast on Youtube. He has over 148 million upload views and thousands of subscribers. The best thing about Scooby is that he has been bodybuilding for 30 years, yet he helps thousands of people for free! Yes, he is not a licensed professional but chances are he is even better than one based on his decades of experience, sound advice, success stories, and vast knowledge. You can see more of Scooby at his website and Youtube channel.

Scooby Werkstatt: "Workout with me! All you need to do this chest workout with my live is a set of dumbbells and a floor. The workout will be 5-10 min of warmup then 40-60 minutes of lifting. Appropriate for all ability levels except complete beginners. We will be doing exercises from here: "
EDIT: The feed is stopping and starting, I'm not sure why. I'm assuming it's Scooby's connection. Maybe it's just me. And credit to Scooby Werkstatt. THIS IS NOT ME DEPICTED IN THE VIDEO. Also, I do not know why the feed now says 2 hours 50 something minutes.  

Okay everyone the workout is officially over. Thanks to Scooby for understanding and I hope your back workout turns out much better!

 Here is the video feed of the live chest workout. It is scheduled for roughly 1pm EST-2pm EST.


  1. How the hell is the vid working at your blog and not on YT?! You are officially better than YT.

  2. Log the workout here. /Scooby Doo Bee Doo

  3. Lol I honestly am not sure. All I did was followed Scooby's link from his website, and put the embed code onto this post. THAT IS IT. I wish it did work on YT but since it wasn't I just wanted to share this working feed.

  4. When Scoobys workout is complete, could you guys also check out my channel on youtube? I'm a 25 year old bodybuilder and I am sharing my passion to the world..check me out and subscribe to my channel it really helps me out and gives me confidence and allows me to deliver more content to you!

  5. Ok, now where is the recorded version of this video? I couldn't watch it live.

    1. Hi Anon. Unfortunately, Scooby said he did not capture the video. I was not ready to capture the video myself as I thought Scooby was!

    2. You can view more of these live workouts and pre-recorded workouts on his youtube channel


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