Say Goodbye to King-Size Snickers! |
Interesting news... Candy giant Mars Inc. announced that it is ending production of king-sized candy bars as part of an large move towards healthier products. In a company statement, "Mars has a broad-based commitment to health and nutrition, and this includes a number of global initiatives," The company plans to discontinue chocolate products that contain over 250 calories per serving. Trans fat will also be eliminated from all products (thank more hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils) and sodium cut down by 25% from 2007 levels by 2015. Although candy bars would still be unhealthy, these changes would definitely make them better. It might be wise for Mars Inc. business-wise; as more people become health-conscious, products that are considered healthier and reduced in fat, salt, or calories will likely be favored over traditional choices. The company will have a better standing with that group of consumers than their competitors.