Teen smokers face many immediate and long-term health risks, including
osteoporosis, as studies show. Smoking, while long associated with heart
disease and lung cancer, has been found to correlate with poor bone development
and bone density loss. A recent study by
Lorah Dorn and her colleagues found that over a 3 year period, teen girls aged
11 to 17 who smoked had stagnant bone development in the lower vertebre and
bone density loss at the hips. Other studies on adults found that smoking
"increased the risk of a vertebral fracture by 13 percent and hip fracture
by 31 percent in women" (Seppa 8).
Osteoporosis can severely affect one's quality of
life. Bone fractures, diminished height, stooped posture, and bone pain are
typical symptoms of osteoporosis, limiting physical activities to an
extent. Like a domino effect, diminished exercise can bring on weight issues, poor body composition, and lower levels of serotonin - a mood hormone. Together, these problems can prevent you from doing the things you love, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Regardless of age or gender, smoking is best avoided for your health and happiness.
Seppa, Nathan. "Smoking hurts teen girls' bones." Science News.
January 12, 2013: 8. Print.