Tuesday, January 18, 2011

107 Year Old Man's Story

Hi everyone! I've been busy lately, so sorry about the lack of posts. I just came across an article about Leonard McCracken, a man 107 years of age who is living on his own. He lives off his "savings, Social Security, and a lifetime annuity". Over the course of his lifetime he actually "never made more than $10,000 a year in his life" according to his son, Bob. That's amazing... 10 grand; a paltry amount to most people but he managed to get by. In fact he bought and sold 35 houses! His advice?
  • Never borrow more than you need and if you do, return it as soon as possible.
  • Work is money. In tough times, any work is salvation.
  • "Save and invest conservatively". Though he never reaped the benefits of a good stock market, he didn't lose most of his assets like many others in a recession.
  • Being healthy can rule out the huge medical bills you can accumulate if you get sick. He's 107 years old and only 8 years ago at the age of 99 did he fail an eye exam for his driver's license!
My point is, this man is the shining example of a thrifty man who has led(and still does lead) a healthy, happy, and self-dependent life. Mr. McCracken certainly has no "cracks"about him!

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